Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Sick of Suess

Took the girls to storytime at the library time. I was disappointed to see that the theme was the tiresome Dr. Suess. I should have known, since the newspaper is full of the annual Dr. Suess birthday celebrations throughout the community and schools. I'm tired of it! He's not the only children's author out there! Why does his birthday get so overcelebrated every year? I mean, come on, EVERY YEAR? It's not reasonable. It's boring. Even if I actually liked his books, it would still be too much. It's kind of like if the Relief Society had a birthday party celebrating its founding every year. Oh, wait, we do . . . and now I'm in charge of it.


Target Widow said...

yeah, so i'm not jealous of you today. Oh, and thanks for solidifying(can't spell that) my thoughts of boycotting tomorrow's story time.

Anonymous said...

You do not like green eggs and ham? Would you like them in a box?

Vivian Patton said...

Heather, I love your blog! I don't know why I have a blog if I can't seem to find the time to update the posts.