Monday, July 07, 2008

Blue Potatoes

Look what I found at the Stuarts Draft farmer's market - new blue potatoes for 99 cents a pound! They're actually purple on the inside. I roasted them with a little olive oil, salt, and pepper, and they were very tasty. I poked around online, and found recipes for red, white, and blue potato salad. They also had new Yukon gold potatoes, which are super good, too.


Megan said...

sounds good! I'll have to try them out.

Anonymous said...

If i put those in front of my kids to eat. . .well actually maybe they would eat them, I mean they look kinda purple and Aspen loves purple.

GrowingRopers said...

they are good, i agree. but where is the SD farmers market?? pathetic, i know...

Heather said...

On the main road as you are entering SD, coming from Wboro. Kind of across from that Italian restaurant, I think. They sell a bunch of yard decor, which is in front. The produce is in a shed-like a building. Some is local, some is not.